MyData Dictionary - Buying Interests

version 2 - October 14, 2021

Property Type Description Example
uid String A unique identifier. 5daf6347c34bade9f888ef169c75ccbd
description String A descriptive name. description 9
location String The interest's location. Gloomhaven
price_low Number The lowest price interested. 100000
price_high Number The highest price interested. 10000000
beginning_date Date as YYYY-MM-DD The date at which the interest will begin. 2018-08-01
end_date Date as YYYY-MM-DD The date at which the interest will end. 2021-12-20
industry String The interest's industry context. Electronic Games
currency String - currency symbol The currency that the high and low prices are quoted in. $
brands Array of strings An array of brands interested in.
  Dwarven Games,
  Elvish Games
tags Array of strings Tags for the interest.
created String A timestamp in RFC 3339 format. 2021-04-27T00:04:24.775Z